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Fess Up & Face Up

Where do you want to be headed? How are you holding yourself back?

Hi, everybody. This is Jasmyne with Relate Family Therapy in Centennial, Colorado. Today I want to talk about how you need to fess up or face up. There are times in our lives when we just feel like we need to make excuses or have some sort of reason why what we’re doing is the right thing when we really know we’re being pulled in a different direction. When we sense that there’s something bigger or something else going on or a change that we need to make, but we’re just not willing to go there. You need to fess up. Tell yourself the truth or tell the others around you the truth and be able to say, “This isn’t what I need to be doing. I need to correct this. I need to work on it.” And face up. Take that time to make the choices that need to happen in order to where you want to be. Making excuses and putting yourself in a position where you say, “I don’t need to do that,” or finding a reason why it’s not to your best interest is just hurting you and your future. If you’re able to fess up and face up, you’ll be able to move forward and get yourself in that position where you feel that you’re living the life that you want to and doing what you need to be doing. No more excuses. Take the time, figure out what it is you need to be doing, and move in that direction. It might be a challenge, but it will be worthwhile in the end because it’s something that you value and you know you need to be moving towards. Fess up. Face up. | 303-954-9809

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