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Expression. Play. Connection.

Your child is struggling, and it pains you so much to see them like this. Tantrums, difficulties regulating emotions, withdrawal, and behaviors that seem out of control are often signs your child is going through something really difficult for them. Maybe it’s a loss in the family, a divorce, a trauma, bullying at school, or another type of experience that is just too much for them. As well, kids often don’t have the cognitive or verbal skills to be able to express what’s going on in a way an adult might understand. We speak the language of children – play – and help them navigate their big feelings and big experiences in a space that is safe. We have a play room designed for kids where they can play, make a mess, express themselves, and lean into the safe connection we provide.

Another important thing to consider is that working with children means working with families and systems as well. Working with systems means acknowledging that no behavior exists in a vacuum. This is because the child’s behavior doesn’t exist without siblings, parents, and even family pets. Bullying or acting out at school don’t happen without classmates, teachers, and other staff. Everyone influences everyone, and often it takes this wide lens approach to actually make lasting change. This isn’t passing blame around. This is just acknowledging that all human affect and are affected by one another, and the same applies to children. It might take some effort and action on the part of a parent, a sibling, or a teacher to achieve the shift in your child that they need and you want to see.

A child expressing themselves through play allows them to learn about emotions, interactions with others, social cues, and more. Play changes as kids grow but Relate knows how to shift and align with the needs of the child. As kids eventually grow out of traditional play, Relate Family Therapy and Counseling uses Expressive Arts and Art therapy in child therapy as a way to bridge the gap. We utilize a variety of sources that are creative to help kids to feel safe and connected while sharing their story. Play changes as kids grow but Relate knows how to shift and align with the needs of the child.


Behavior Concerns

Behavior Concerns

If their behaviors are creating concerns at home, in school, and in other areas of your life, Relate is here to help to get to the heart of what is happening for your child. The therapist will help the child advocate their needs, in addition to finding more positive ways to interact with others and get attention.



An anxious child might exhibit anger or frustration, have trouble concentrating, or complain of frequent headaches, stomachaches, or fatigue. These symptoms can affect school performance and attendance, as well as friendships and other activities. Your child can find relief and reassurance that these feelings and this experience can change.

Life Transitions

Life Transitions

Change is inevitable, and it’s normal to feel distressed during a transition, even if it is a positive one. The therapists at Relate hold space for your child to look at this change and what it means for them. With support, empathy, and validation, our therapists can help them move forward through this transition while still honoring what was or has to be left behind.


Childhood Trauma

When children experience traumatic events, it can be scary for all members of the family.

Relate Family Therapy and Counseling provides families a place to express and understand the details of the trauma.

Abuse & Neglect

Abuse & Neglect

Abuse can come in many forms: emotional, physical, sexual. Often the survivor of abuse is left with messages that they are devalued or damaged. Therapists can help your child realize their worth and tap into their resiliency to rewrite those narratives into ones of strength, survival, and acceptance.

Family Concerns

Family Concerns

Conflicts and changes within a family are inevitable, but a therapeutic intervention can help manage the strain so that the end result is resilience and connection instead of despair and alienation. Therapists help the family system find their voice. When everyone feels heard, families can come together instead of becoming more divided.



Bullying has always been an unfortunate reality for school-aged children and the problem has only grown with the advent of technology. Therapy can mitigate its lasting effects and help your child find their sense of self and self-pride. Our therapists can help your child embrace the skills, talents, and fantastic characteristics they possess.

Grief & Loss

Grief & Loss

Grief is an experience that shakes our whole world. A role, a place, a sense of normalcy is gone. These feelings can be overwhelming, especially for a child. Therapy at Relate Family Therapy & Counseling can help your child lift the weight of despair from their shoulders, honor what was, and feel ready to accept what is in an age- and developmentally-appropriate way. 

Build Confidence

Build Confidence

Low self-esteem affects relationships, body image, and overall sense of inclusion and significance. The therapists at Relate help children develop the skills and build upon their own strengths and resiliency to combat the lies that low self-esteem tells them about their bodies, their abilities, and themselves.

School Concerns

School Concerns

At Relate Family Therapy, we help children develop the skills to address whatever their school concerns may be. Whether they need help making friends, focusing in class, managing their time, or feeling empowered to address someone else’s behavior, we help to build those skills in a safe, validating space.



It can feel so exhausting and defeating to be told you’re disruptive or difficult. At Relate, we help kids learn how to manage the difficult aspects of an ADHD diagnosis, while also helping them appreciate special characteristics that come with it. Many symptoms that seem to negatively affect your child’s life can be managed through therapy.

Relationship Building

Relationship Building

Although relationships are a natural part of the human experience, that does not always make them easy. Relate can help when it feels like building and maintaining relationships is a monumental task. Whatever the specific needs are, our therapists can help your child find safety and security in relationships again.

We work to provide the best fit for you amongst our child therapy team. Feeling understood, connected, and engaged in session is one of the most valuable aspects of therapy. For kids, this means getting on their level. Our therapists sit on the floor with their child clients, play alongside them, and communicate in their native tongue – play! Even as kids get older, they still communicate through play. We offer toys and materials for the full range of play – sand tray, dress-up, dollhouses, books, art, music, movement, figurines, construction, animals, and more. However your child feels like speaking, we are here to listen, understand, and help them continue to feel empowered to express themselves – in and out of the room.