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Engaging in porn isn't inherently bad or bad for your relationship, but like any other substance it can become a pervasive or dominating part of your life. High consumption of pornography can be related to issues of intimacy, such as lowered sexual satisfaction with a partner, difficulty finding other methods of coping with distress, or progressive need for more extreme porn to become sexually satisfied. It can feel like porn has taken over your life, and you need to engage in pornographic materials more often, in less appropriate situations,
or even when you don't want to.

Relate Family Therapy and Counseling has therapists who specialize in sex- related concerns, such as porn addiction. They can help you address your perspective on sex, collaboratively helping you come to your own definition of what is healthy, acceptable, and safe for you in regard to engagement in porn and other sexual behaviors. Our therapists are empathic, supportive, nonjudgmental, and sex-positive and work with you to get to a place where you can communicate your needs and desires more effectively and achieve sexual satisfaction in a way you can appreciate and accept.


If you are in a relationship and you or partner need help with porn addition, couple’s therapy may also benefit you.