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Things can go wrong in families. There are seemingly never-ending arguments between members of the family, divorces that can be high-conflict, and struggles in connecting to members of the family that haven't always been present. These situations are challenging, especially for someone young who feels overwhelmed, like they lack any control, or are hurt by past experiences. Family concerns are difficult for children, who might experience symptoms of anxiety or depression, engage in reckless or defiant behavior, or completely withdraw.

The therapists at Relate Family Therapy and Counseling can work with children and their families to help everyone find their voice. It’s important for everyone to hear others in the family and feel heard themselves, so we can create a situation where you can come together.  That includes children. While confrontations and conflicts are, of course, inevitable, therapeutic intervention can help manage arguments so that the end result is resilience and connection instead of despair and alienation.
Get in touch with us to see how we can help you.